Newsletter: A Terrific 2024

Newsletter: A Terrific 2024

What a monumental year 2024 has been for British game. It is now being served on the menus at schools, universities, stadiums, healthcare providers, festivals, new pubs, restaurants and so many more establishments who had previously never used it. Very positive press coverage for this incredible meat has become mainstream with mentions in The Telegraph, Spectator, Daily Mail, GQ and The Times to name a few. What a delight to read good news stories about game and read the comment section and see people praising its qualities. To hear a full round up of just some of the work we got up to this year then listen to the Eat Wild podcast here.

A lot of our work we are not able to talk about publicly but we can discuss with you over the phone so if you want to hear what we get up to then please just reply to this email and we can arrange a time to talk to you. We want to make sure that the people that are raising funds know that the money is being spent wisely promoting wild meat.

I want to thank you all for continuing to support Eat Wild, our mission to make wild meat a staple of every household in the UK continues but we could not do it without you. Game Week this year proved that the interest in game is only increasing with the most engagement that I have ever seen since our inception nearly seven years ago.

Onwards and upwards, whilst I will be enjoying motherhood for the first half of 2025, I will be in the office a few days a month (keeping in touch days) and continue to spend most of my time thinking of new ways we can extol the virtues of wild meat to new consumers, who knew 4am baby feeds would be such a hive of activity for new strategies and ideas.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all. I hope you are able to include some wild meat in your Christmas meal, we will be stuffing our turkey with pheasant sausage meat again this year and including pheasant in fleeces alongside our pigs in blankets.

Best wishes,



Louisa Clutterbuck

CEO Eat Wild

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