As part of Great British Game Week we are inviting people to come and learn more about British venison and the assurance Scheme that is helping to promote it. Join a select panel to discuss the British Quality Wild Venison assurance scheme on Friday, 08 November 2024 at 10.00 - 11.30.
The British Quality Wild Venison scheme has been developed with the aim of increasing the traceability of wild venison and supporting woodland management, as well as opening up new markets for venison and giving greater confidence to purchasers through a quality assurance mark. Created at the behest of a cross-sector working group, including the Forestry Commission, Grown in Britain, British Association for Shooting and Conservation, British Deer Society, The National Gamekeepers Organisation, Forestry England, Natural Resources Wales and members of the National Game Dealers Association, the scheme will ensure a series of audited standards are met throughout the supply chain to support the development of a wider, more robust marketplace for British wild venison, a known sustainable and healthy food source.
Hosted by BQWV, the Forestry Commission and Eat Wild, this event welcomes interested parties to learn more about the scheme, the multiple benefits of venison production, and the importance of opening up markets and how the Scheme can help provide consumers with more traceability.
So if you would like to learn more about the Scheme then register here.